Working Leads in Intro XL
1. When a lead is received in Intro XL, the applicant will be directed to the esign page (to sign the temporary loan agreement), but they will also get an e mail like the one below providing them the link.
Katie, please click this link to sign your loan agreement.
Please call us at 888-555-1212 with any questions.
Thank you,
Your Company Name
2. The lead will show on the Leads page in Intro XL. It will show whether or not the applicant has signed the temporary loan agreement.
3. If you click on the Lead Name, you will go to the lead detail screen. On this page, you can view:
- the lead information
- the requested loan terms
- the temporary loan agreement
- You can also work the lead by:
- creating a Decision Logic Code and texting it to the applicant
- communicating with the applicant via text and e mail
- updating the loan terms if necessary
- utilizing the underwriting checklist (which is customize-able).
4. Upon completing the underwriting process and approving the lead and the loan terms, you can convert the temp loan to a loan.
5. The borrower will then get the following e mail confirming the loan has been finalized.
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