If your file does not make it Advantage or fails. Please note, sometimes you will see an error message, but the file made it.
First, confirm it’s not at Advantage ACH. Files can take up to 30 minutes before they process. Look inside your Advantage reports to see if the payments are in process. When in doubt, contact Advantage directly Advantage ACH Support – (888) 891-8612 or apssupport@securepaymentsystems.com
If you have confirmed that the payments are not being processed at Advantage, you can resubmit the file. **Note Intro XL will block ACH’s from being re-sent to Advantage for 15 minutes. Please wait at least 15 minutes to resend them.
Reset the payments by going to Processing > Process ACH. After the payments have been reset and 15 minutes have passed, you will be able to re-submit the payments to Advantage ACH.
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