Sending Text or Email Blasts to Dormant Customers

Intro XL provides a list of dormant customers you may want to market to via the Marketing Report. Text messages and emails can be sent to customers directly from the report.

Accessing the Report: Go to Reports > Marketing Report.

For the “Customer Status”, select Dormant Customers.

Select the parameters you want used to pull the report data.

After running the report and viewing the list of refinance eligible borrowers, you can select which customers to text/email by checking the box for “ALL” or selecting the specific borrowers by checking the box for each individual.

Select the text or email template you want to send and press “submit.”

Pro tip: The [RefiCredit] populates the dollar amount available (**The category of the text message must be General Use in order for the RefiCredit place holder to work). This number is based on the greater of the borrowers’ credit limit or most recent loan amount.

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